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How to write an abstract-resume: features, differences from the abstract, structure and tips on writing. What is an abstract-summary To understand the essence of the abstract-summary, you need to compare it with another variant of work - an abstract-review. A review paper is written on the basis of several sources on a chosen topic - that is why it is a review paper, as it considers different points of view on the subject and covers all the literature known to the author. The abstract-summary concentrates on a single source, and such services as in a brief form sets forth the information how to obtain it. The main feature of such a paper is the absence of subjective statements. The abstract-summary is also often called an indicative abstract. Differences between the abstract-summary and the abstract Due to the fact that the abstract-summary is written on the basis of a single source, many people not unreasonably confuse it with the abstract. These papers do have a lot in common. They: Are secondary documentary sources of information; are based on reducing the original amount of information in order to familiarize the reader with the content of the source more quickly and easily; remove the non-essentials, exclude excessive examples, facts and illustrative material; present the information in a systematic form. But there is a noticeable difference. It manifests itself in: The purpose of writing. The abstract aims to simply list the main problems touched upon in the primary source. The abstract-summary has other goals: it not only lists the problems, but also reveals the essence of each of them ; functions. The abstract has a reference or advisory function. The abstract is a separate and quite independent source of scientific information; volume. Usually the abstract is significantly larger than the abstract, if you are interested in other services, you can order custom term paper Peculiarities of abstract-resume writing Peculiarities of writing an abstract-review are based on two main aspects: general requirements to the text of the work and peculiarities of the structure. General requirements to the essay-review I will first list the basic requirements that are made to the abstract: conciseness of the statement; Accuracy and informativeness; a certain amount of text. In our case it is from 10 to 15 percent of the original text; a minimum of illustrative material. Allowed only that without which it is impossible to reveal any idea; writing style - strictly scientific text is written in look and see for yourself; the information should be presented in such a way that it looks like a statement of scientific facts; in the process of writing at all stages it is recommended to use speech clichés; it is recommended to build indefinite-personal sentences, which are perceived more easily. Structure of the abstract-summary The typical structure of a paper consists of 6 elements: Bibliographic description. This specifies the author's full name, the title of the work, the source's output. A description of the topic and objectives inherent in the source. To formulate them used speech clichés. For example: "The work is devoted to the problem ...", "The author identifies the problem ...", etc. Information about the structural elements of the work. "The work consists of...", "The monograph includes...". The main content. In it the author of the work draws conclusions about the content of each structural element. For example: "The introduction deals with...", "The second section is devoted to the issue...", etc. Illustrative material. It is worth noting that this element is included only when necessary and is not mandatory. Example: "The assumptions expressed are supported by the author with appropriate drawings." Indications of the audience to whom the work is intended. For example, "The work will be of interest to specialists in the field of ...". Tips for writing an essay Despite the apparent simplicity, the abstract-review is not easy for everyone. Here are a few tips that will facilitate the writing of the work: it is worth avoiding a mechanical retelling of the text. Yes, the abstract requires maximum objectivity, but it should not be conveyed dryly and completely unbiased. The secret is to focus on the novelty and practical relevance of the source text; I recommend to include in the abstract quotations from the source text. Just note that they should be capacious and meaningful. If the quote does not fit into the text in meaning, do not place it just for the sake of it; actively use abbreviations. You can abbreviate common and characteristic only for the original terms. Abbreviations are necessary if you plan to reduce the overall text so that the content is not affected. In addition, so the essay can accommodate more information, because its volume is already limited; Working through the source, highlight key words and themes. Then on their basis you can quickly and easily write an essay.
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